Sunday, 19 November 2023

Back on the Limebeds 19/11/2023

First visit in a while to the Lostock Lime Beds. It was really enjoyable to be back; the beds are full of water and looking great.

The central flood is full, and held 10 Shelducks, 17 Teal, 16 Mallard and 3 Gadwall. Over on number 7, the warm-water working bed, there were around 1800 Lapwing, 160 Golden Plover, 2 Dunlin and 6 Curlew. A male Peregrine shot through scattering the flock, before settling on one of the pylons.

On the walk over to 'Johnny Woods' lime beds, a Jay was my first on the site itself, followed by a  male Green Woodpecker which was presumably the one I saw in the same spot a couple of months ago. A small flock of Linnet and Chaffinch made me wonder about putting up a feeding station. 3 Mute Swans were the only other species noted on the lime beds.