Tuesday 3 July 2018

Autumn Already 3rd July 2018

The long hot summer continues. It's been hot and dry for a couple of months now and the land is parched. Many birds seem to be having a good breeding season. The chilled evenings in the sunshine have been great, not to mention a thoroughly entertaining world cup (England are still in as I write this, but that may change against Colombia this evening). There's nothing quote like a fine British summer.
Birding has - predictably - been on the back burner, but the fierce sun is rapidly drying out Neumann's and Ashton's and so both look great for some early wader passage and that has proven to be the case with reports of multiple Green Sandpipers, Greenshank and so in the last few days.
With that in mind, a quick visit at lunchtime today was in order and duly rewarded - two breeding male Ruffs, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, a Green Sandpiper, two Redshanks and around 30 Lapwing graced Neumann's, as did a single Common Tern. Reed warblers still chugged away in the reeds, but the various ducks were now well into moult.
It's beginning to feel a lot like autumn....

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